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Register online for your Workshop Pass

There is a monthly fee of $10 to attend as many workshops during a month as you like. The fee is used to offset the cost of putting on the workshops. Because we are a non-profit, the fee is considered a charitable contribution and may be  tax deductible (consult your tax advisor).

Your workshop pass will also make you eligible for discounts on our special events.

There are scholarships available for those that cannot afford the monthly fee but would like to attend a workshop.

You can stop the monthly charge for a workshop pass:

    • Log in and go to your profile. Click on the word Change.
    • Click a radio button to change your membership to the free level.

Already a Member?

Click here to Upgrade for your Workshop Pass

Upgrade Now

Scholarships are available for our workshops.

We understand that there are times when funds are tight but you still need the advice and friendship in our community. We would like to help. Your information will not be shared with anyone​.


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